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Competitive Pool

Swimming Programs



Learn to Swim - ICT

Utilising our Individualised Custom Teaching (ICT) methodology we deliver learn to swim sessions with a MAXIMUM of 4 children to every 1 teacher. This phase is comparable to traditional learn to swim schools just way better!
They run at various times through the week. From ages 4 and upwards.


Squads Booster Program

As the kids technique gets better they need to develop more strength, which they need to do by swimming more. So they really need to do squad BUT if they do a traditional squad they get tired and their technique collapses, and then they just end up practising with poor technique which will not be efficient. 

RESULT: The kids love this program, and it means that we can graduate them to being much stronger whilst still keeping a strong technique, something that the kids usually lose when they go straight to a squad.




Our swim squad runs each morning for one hour and are managed in a way to cater to all levels of swimmers and hold regular time trials!

Here we work with each swimmer to achieve their goals, whether its winning their swimming carnival, getting their state qualifying times or trying to win at a state or national level. 


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